One network united under IBC
IBC is a secure, open and permissionless interoperability protocol and set of standards. It establishes a unified transport layer allowing for innovation at the application and state layers.

Uniting builders across ecosystems
Open IBC is an initiative focused on the growth, evolution and development of the inter-blockchain communication protocol across all ecosystems.
Ensuring a decentralized and interconnected future
No centralized gatekeeping. Chains should be able to permissionlessly join the IBC network and instantly be able to communicate with any other chain over the standardized IBC transport layer.
Zero compromise on security. Both the IBC specifications and canonical implementation has gone through a rigorous development process over the span of 4 years and counting.
Open participation at the state layer. IBC supports clients of all types and allows for various forms of connectivity including zero knowledge and optimistic light clients and more.
A powerful data transport



Join the mission
OpenIBC is a coalition of organizations and individuals working towards bringing IBC interoperability to all ecosystems.